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Teen Cook! Teen Fun!

A Teen Cook can Conquer any Social Set!

Conversation at the breakfast table buzzes all around you, with nary a word landing inside your mind. You tune out Dad’s comments on the latest stock prices, and Junior crowing about his home run at the big game. As you sit there with your chin propped up on your hands, you are oblivious to the glare from your mother. Elbows on the table are bad manners, but you can’t worry about etiquette now.

You just stare at the calendar on the opposite wall. The one with the great big circle around Saturday night, only five days away!

What are you and the gang going to do?

You’ve been to the roller rink so much you busted the back wheel on your skate, so that’s out. Forget the soda fountain. Your crowd ends up there almost every weekend.

There must be some different activity that everyone would enjoy?

You snap back into the present when your view of the calendar is cut off by the picture of a triumphant young lady wearing an apron. She’s surrounded by two cute, well-groomed guys. Leaning back, you blink to get a better look. Mother is holding a booklet in front of your face. It’s called “Teen-Time Cooking with Carnation.”

Teen-Time Cooking by Carnation Milk.
Find Food Fun Secrets Inside!

“Why don’t you invite your friends over for a little get together,” she suggests. “You could cook something for them.”

“But mother,” you protest. “Except for that Knox Lemon Chiffon Pie I helped you with at Christmas, I’ve never cooked anything.”

“Here’s your chance,” she countered. “This booklet will help.”

You take it from her and open it.

Drawing of a teenage girl contemplating her cooking future.
“Kissing Don’t Last— Cookery Do!”

The first page is very encouraging. It’s all about a girl like you who doesn’t know much about running a household, yet she soon may have a home of her own.

They had a slogan that makes you smile. “Kissing don’t last— cookery do!” Could truer words have ever been spoken?

It also said, before you get started you need to learn a few “rules of the road.”

Tips to organize the kitchen before you begin.
Organization in the Kitchen is Important Before you Start!

Safety is the most important thing to keep in mind at all times. Plus, don’t forget your apron!

Even dishwashing needn’t be dull. Dishwashing tips for the teen cook.
A Good Teen Cook Enjoys Dishwashing Too!

Yay! Who knew washing the dishes would be so much fun? Just follow an orderly system!

There’s a right way to shop too. Shopping tips for teen cooks.
Make a Plan Before Heading Out to the Store!

Establish proper shopping habits now. Make sure Carnation Evaporated Milk is high on your list!

South of the border noodles and beef recipe along with spaghetti recipe.
Head South of the Border and to Italy, all at the Same Time!

You have a decision to make when Nancy, Alan and Jimmy come over. Should you all go “South of the Border,” or have a taste of Italy?

A perfect chili dog recipe.
Teens Love Chili Dogs!

Or would a good old fashion Chili Dog hit the spot?

Hamburger on a stick recipe.
Hamburger on a Stick? The Perfect Picnic Snack!

Maybe a picnic outside instead, only try a new twist on an old favorite. Who wants a hamburger on a bun, when you can put it on a stick!

Tips for a team cook to pack the perfect picnic basket.
A Good Teen Cook Packs the Perfect Picnic Basket.

The key to a successful outing, is a well packed hamper. Especially one filled with chocolate brownies! Yum!

Tuna salad recipe.
Susie, Don’t be Sad. Have Some Impromptu Fun with your Friends!

Shoot. Jimmy is out of town for the weekend, visiting his aunt Mabel on the coast. You don’t wanna be a “Sad Susie,” but what should you do?

What you won’t do is sit here and feel sorry for yourself! You will follow this advice and give Nancy a call. While you both enjoy your tuna salad, think about scaring up some new male company!

Strawberry Ice Cream and Five Minute Fudge recipes for a teen cook.
Teen Cook Recipes on a Budget!

Oh dear. Throwing such a shindig is expensive. Your allowance is stretched thin!

Here’s a solution! Make your own ice cream or fudge!

A Teen Cook Party Planning Checklist!
A Teen Cook Party Planning Checklist!

You’re going to do it! Host your first party! Before you get on your rotary phone to dial up all your friends, you follow this checklist!

Party preparation’s include buying a new dress.
A New Party is a Great Excuse for a New Dress!

Dad stopped by the record store and brought home a few 33 1/3 RPM discs to play during the event. The food is prepared. Now you just need to search your closet for the perfect dress!

A quick potato salad recipe.
A Crowd Pleasing Recipe!

Wonderful news. Jimmy’s visit with his aunt got postponed, so he’s free to come after all! He loves potato salad. Good thing you have some ready.

Supper on a bread slice recipe and chocolate frosting recipe for a teen cook.
Supper and Dessert Taken Care of by a Teen Cook!

You’ll include supper and dessert on the menu!

A teenage girl puts an apron on her boyfriend, insisting he can be a teen cook.
Anyone can be a Teen Cook!

The party is a success! Jimmy is so happy and you are too! You are well on your way to a successful cooking future, thanks to Carnation!

Teen Cooking! Social Success!
Teen Cooking! Social Success!

And we had an enjoyable visit to mid-century dating, thanks to GVS. Glorious Vintage Stuff!

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