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Magic Mirror Television Brings You the World!

“Ted! Are you home?”

Patricia hoped he was. She had an objective in mind. A program that centered around her husband. But she couldn’t start working on him if he wasn’t there—

“I’m in the living room, honey.”

She found him sitting in his easy chair, reading the paper. Their old radio was turned on low, sending lyrical music flowing throughout the room.

“I see you’re comfortable,” Pat observed.

“Just relaxing after a long day.”

Patricia couldn’t have hoped for a better opening. Time to execute her plan. “I like to relax too. Especially with my crochet.

“Don’t I know it!” Ted gestured to the afghan draped atop the couch. Another decorated a nearby easy chair. “I don’t know where we’re going to put all of your creations.”

“Not to worry. This time I have a different project in mind.” Pat opened up her handbag, extracted a pamphlet and handed it to her husband. “See, it’s called Television and Radio Scarfs. Accessories I can make that will go with any modern TV.”

“But we don’t have a modern television set, or any type of TV, as you well know.” Ted put the brochure on the coffee table.

“Oh, but we could.” Pat snatched it up, flipped it open, then held it out so Ted could see. “Here is a lovely Chippendale design. It drapes nicely over the television cabinet and there’s a matching scarf for the coffee table.”

Chippendale Crochet Design Pattern

“Or here’s one called Sheraton. It’s beautiful too, don’t you think?”

Drape a magic mirror television with the Sheraton design.

“I do not!” Ted took control of the booklet, examining it more closely. “Radios are included in this pamphlet. This design would go nicely with the set we already have.”

Modern design crochet for a radio

“And here’s another.”

An American colonial crochet pattern for an American radio

“Why don’t you make one of these?”

“Because radios are boring and old-fashioned!” Pat flopped down on the couch across from her husband. “Television is cutting edge technology. We need to look to the future. All of our friends and neighbors have TV sets. We’re lagging behind!”

“We are also not rich,” Ted countered. “A new set would cost hundreds of dollars.”

“The big ones, sure,” Pat admitted. “But there are table top models too.”

Early American crochet pattern for desktop magic mirror television

“They’re not so expensive.”

“Too much for me, especially when we have a perfectly good radio in working order.” Ted leaned across the coffee table to pass possession of the pamphlet to his wife. Then he picked up his paper and leaned back in his chair. “Television is a fad that is going to fade away. It will never last. Mark my words, in five years the only place you will find a TV is the junk-heap and our radio set will still be working!”

“If you say so dear.”

“I do.”

“Well,” Pat got to her feet, “I’d better get dinner started.” She passed by her husband on the way to the doorway. “I guess you won’t be interested in this then.” Patricia pulled out one more brochure from her purse and tossed it onto the coffee table. “Dinner is in an hour.” Pat hustled from the room, her voice fading as she moved down the hallway.

“She wants a television,” Ted muttered to himself. “We don’t need that newfangled gadget. Not worth the money.”

He shook his paper, then started to read, trying to ignore the words that blared out from the cover of the pamphlet on the coffee table.

Cover of a brochure selling Admiral Magic Mirror televisions

Television Originals, it said. What did that mean?

Ted fought to concentrate on the latest news. Yet details about the recent skirmishes around the world failed to capture his attention.

He wasn’t interested in a television, was he?

Of course not and here was a way to prove it! Ted put down his paper and grabbed the brochure. He would examine every page, read every word of this enticing little booklet. Then he would firmly tell his wife that they were not, under any circumstances, buying a television set!

Certainly not a special Magic Mirror Television. One that has the clearest picture of them all!

Magic Mirror Television

But who could afford such a marvel? Well— apparently, he could, with an easy payment plan.

Details about Admiral’s easy payment plan

And there were so many styles to choose from. They all had a built-in radio and record player.

Matching optional Magic Mirror Television console
Details about a Miracle Tone phonograph.
Two Radio Phonographs to choose from
Another radio phonograph option

Each design offered a matching Magic Mirror Television. You could add it now or later.

Add a Magic Mirror Television now or later
Matching radio, phonograph and Magic Mirror Television consoles
Superb matched unit ensemble
A Magic Mirror Television has sensational features

The image of a baseball player in mid pitch was intriguing. Ted enjoyed listening to live games on the radio. How much better would it be if he could watch them from the comfort of his own home? The idea never occurred to him before. Perhaps there was something to this TV business after all.

He examined his living room with fresh eyes. If he bought this entertainment unit, where would he put it? On the wall by the fireplace? Was there space? No problem.

A matched unit ensemble

Each component was separate, yet matching. You could place them together, or apart.  You could even move them to different areas of the house as needed.

Put an Magic Mirror Television in any room

If a member of the family wasn’t feeling well, it would be nice to have the television in their bedroom to help pass the time. How efficient!

Complete home entertainment

Ted had to admit, he was tempted. He could go whole hog and buy the complete system for his family.

The whole family can enjoy a Magic Mirror Television

Or even just purchase a smaller, table top model.

A table top Magic Mirror Television

Any of these units would bring them into the television age. His kids and wife would all love having a TV, but would he?

Ted thought of the televised baseball pitcher and decided the answer was yes.

This was the 20th century. The era where anything was possible.

Watch a baseball game live! A player pitches during a game which is televised.

He jumped to this feet, snatched up the brochure and headed out the door. “Okay, honey,” he shouted. “You’re right. Let’s buy a Magic Mirror Television!”

A happy squeal came from the kitchen. The Bailey family would travel to the future together, via TV!

We get to travel to a fabulous past thanks to GVS, Glorious Vintage Stuff!

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