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Phones Help Sound the Alarm!

Air Raid! New Phone Tech Keeps you Safe!

It’s September 1952 and enemy missiles are in the skies. Their target? The good ole USA! How will we get the word out to keep people safe?

It’s telephone science to the rescue! Using bells and lights to transmit information and instructions all across the country via new warning system!

An article about a system developed by Bell Laboratories that would warn of an impending air raid.
A new “Bell and Lights” system warns of an impending air raid!

The phone can help with emergencies closer to home too. Just make sure proper party line protocol is followed!

An article about how to handle emergency calls if you have a party line and share your phone with another person.
Party Line Protocol!

Bored while you’re hiding out in your bunker waiting for the all-clear announcement from Conelrad? Telephone trivia can help pass the time!

Telephone trivia questions you can use to pass the time while you wait out an air raid in your bunker.
Air Raid Activities. Trivia Fun in the Bunker!

The telephone’s role in civil defense. More great examples of GVS, Glorious Vintage Stuff!

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