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A Wild Kingdom, In Your Kitchen?

Your kids love animals. They can’t get enough. You’ve taken them to the zoo. Bought every picture book you could find. Even paid for an encyclopedia, in monthly installments, all so they could learn more about the creatures that share our planet. Yet your children want more.

What can you do?

The answer lies not in the fertile plains of Africa, or the forests in the Pacific Northwest, or the mighty blue ocean. No, the solution to this question can be found in the wild jungle contained within your kitchen.

Here you can get an up close and personal encounter with a variety of animals including butterflies, turtles, elephants and more.

Oh, there is one catch!

These adorable creatures aren’t real. They’re actually cakes!

Take a look!

General instructions to bake cakes in various animal shapes. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake a Butterfly Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake a Teddy Bear Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.

Instructions to bake a Fox Terrier Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake a Tortie the Turtle Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake an Elephant Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake a Myrtle and Milton Mouse Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Instructions to bake a Swan Cake. Published by Baker's Coconut in 1959.
Back of a brochure published by Baker's Coconut in 1959, showing a painting of a can and box of Baker's Coconut.

We’ve enjoyed this peek into the cake animal kingdom, yet there is still more to explore

Tune in to GVS next time to discover more Animal Cut-Up Cakes, and remember, we’re always your home for Glorious Vintage Stuff!

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