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Your Kids Got Questions? GVS Has Answers!

“Hey, Mom, why does the color red make a bull so mad?”

“Hey, Mom, why is the barbershop pole red and white?”

“Hey, Mom, where does the water go at low tide?”

Questions, questions, questions. A mother is constantly inundated with any number of inquiries from their child. But where to go for answers?

One day you might be able to type your request into a machine called a computer and get the answer instantly. But in the 1950s such wonders are the stuff of fantasy.

Is there a more practical solution?

Yes! You found it at the supermarket of all places. In the corner of the store, an encyclopedia salesman set up shop, covering a folding table with samples of his wares. While you did not return home with a twenty-volume set of heavy books, you did snatch up a promotional brochure and slip it in your purse.

Say hello to “The Book of Knowledge.”

Pledge promised by the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Booklet
Questions answered in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet
Operation Undersea. Article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Bird Army. Article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Shells. Article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Countries Around the World. Article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
More Countries Around the World. Article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Transportation. An article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Rhymes and Riddles. An article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Animals. An article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
Art Through the Ages. An article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.
More Art. An article in the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia Promotional Booklet.

Wow. There’s a lot of information packed into this one pamphlet. Too much to sort through in one sitting.

Tune into GVS next time to learn more from “The Book of Knowledge.” Until then remember that we are always your home for Glorious Vintage Stuff!

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