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A Salute to the Perfect 1930s Cocktail

Fabulous Fun for New Year’s! Vintage Cocktails GVS Style!

Christmas is over and it’s time to say Happy New Year! Bye-bye 2020! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

I think we can all agree we did not enjoy the last twelve months, so it’s time to embrace a new beginning!

I’ve come across two brochures that give us a peek into celebrations from the past. They are full of recipes for various vintage cocktails and drinks, and have ideas for games to make any party more fun.

I will explore the first pamphlet in this post today and the other on New Year’s Eve.

Small disclaimer here, I am not a drinker, so I don’t know if these vintage cocktail recipes are any good. If you try one, let me know how it turns out.

The first booklet comes with a strange title but a beautiful cover. Called “Tipple Tips” it features a gorgeous woman in a silver evening gown, raising a toast towards a large cylinder type object.

CU Tipple Tips Lady
Saluting Tipple Tips! The Best in Vintage Cocktails

This pamphlet was published in 1934. I know because there is actually a copyright date on the inside. This is rare for brochures.

1934 West Bend Aluminum Copyright
Aluminum and Cocktails go Together

Even if there wasn’t a date visible, you could tell the era by the style of the woman’s hair and dress. Typical 1930s looks.

Another fun fact, I did not buy this brochure on eBay. My great-great aunt purchased it back when it was new. Presumably she enjoyed the vintage cocktail recipes contained within, hopefully you will as well.

The second page features another drawing of the silver cylinder with two cups sitting next to it. They called this the “Tipple Tumbler and Tipple Cups.” This explains the name of the brochure. Apparently the Tumbler is a “modern cocktail shaker designed for convenience in fixing—and the new cocktail cups designed for pleasure in serving.” The shaker had a capacity of 3 pints, and the cups could hold 5 ounces of your favorite beverage.

Drawing of the Tipple Tumbler and Cups
The Key to the whole “Tipple Tips” Operation

As to the word “Tipple” I had to look it up. According to Merriam-Webster a “Tipple” is: “to drink liquor especially by habit or to excess.”

Sounds like the company that made the tumbler, West Bend Aluminum, was taking advantage of the fact that Prohibition had been repealed a few months before. Even though the depression was going strong, there was still reason to go out and “Tipple!”

We can too, but hopefully not to excess. While I have found no trace of an actual “Tipple Tumbler,” I am assuming it’s possible to mix up these vintage cocktails using more contemporary implements.

Ready to give it a try?

After a page devoted to the finer points of actually fixing your vintage cocktail—

Instructions on fixing your cocktail
Instructions on Fixing your Vintage Cocktail

And using the Tipple Tumbler in action—

Features of the Tipple Tumbler Cocktail Shaker
A Modern Cocktail Shaker!

—the pamphlet provided recipes for several beverages, featuring different types of alcohol.

Here are gin drinks. Obviously the first one wasn’t very good since my great-great aunt crossed it out. Hopefully the other recipes are better.

Gin Drink Recipes
Not-So-Perfect Gin Concoctions

There are also a couple of pages devoted to whiskey cocktails. It looks like the lady has already had one too many!

Whiskey Cocktail Recipes
The Perfect Whiskey Cocktails

And whiskey drinks. You can see the “Tipple Tumbler“ on the bottom of the page

Whiskey Drink Recipes
Recipes that Feature Whiskey

Brandy was not forgotten. Here you can enjoy a Brandy Shake, cocktail or highball.

Brandy Drink Recipes
Don’t Forget the Brandy!

Want to hang out with a pirate on New Year’s Eve? Don’t forget your rum drinks.

Rum Drink Recipes
Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!

Some beverages defied categorization. The pamphlet put these drinks under the title of “Miscellany.” These include a concoction called the “Century of Progress,” a “Coffee Royal,” a “Sherry Special” and a “Southern Eggnog.”

Miscellaneous Cocktail Recipes
Miscellaneous Vintage Cocktails

There’s even a page devoted to help you with the “morning after.” Although adding more alcohol after an evening of too much indulgence may not be the best course of action. Just my guess.

Matutinal Pickup Recipes
A Real Pick-Me-Up!

The last page is more my speed. It’s full of non-alcoholic drinks. I may try the “Nectar Punch.”

Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipes
Drinks that Don’t Make you Tipsy

That’s it for now. On New Year’s Eve I’ll share with you a pamphlet called “Life of the Party!” It’s full of early 20th century fun. Join us, won’t you?

Until then remember, GVS is your home for Glorious Vintage Stuff!