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Film Processing. How Does it Work?

Film Processing Develops Beautiful Memories!

You’re back from the park where your kids had the time of their lives climbing all over their favorite jungle gym. You’ve preserved those moments on film, either with still photography or home movies, but you’re not able to access those pictures. At least not yet.

There is one vital step between you and your precious photographs.

Film processing.

Most Americans living in the 1960s didn’t spare a thought for how images taken by their Pony cameras, were then transformed into color photos. They just popped their film in an envelope and dropped it in the mail. A few weeks later, another envelope appeared, this one with their loving pictures inside.

But what happened during the intervening days?

The process is a fascinating one, highlighted in a pamphlet published by Kodak, famous maker of film.

A dad takes a photo of his son playing on a piece of playground equipment while the mother watches.
Capture Family Fun in Pictures!
A page that introduces the film processing procedure.
Go Behind the Scenes to Discover the World of Film Processing!
In the 1960s and 70s Kodak had labs located across the United States.
Kodak Had Laboratories Conveniently Located Across the US!
Film Processing by Kodak can be Easily Identified.
Film Processing by Kodak can be Easily Identified.
Getting to the Basics of Photography.
Getting to the Basics of Photography.
Butter on bread is symbolic of emulsion on film. A facet of film processing.
Before Film Processing Comes… Bread and Butter?
Taking a Picture Initiates a Sequence of Events.
Taking a Picture Initiates a Sequence of Events.
Explaining the difference between a black and white negative, and a black and white print during the film processing procedure.
A Negative is a Positive.
Information about color photography.
Behind the Scenes of Color Photography.
How Negatives Work with Color in Film Processing.
How Negatives Work.
Kodak offered a variety of different products during the 1960s and 70s.
Kodak Offers a Variety of Different Products.
Film for color slides is different when it comes to processing.
Color Slides are Different.
The process pictures go through once they reach the lab.
Follow the Progress of Your Pictures Once they Reach the Lab!
How the film processing machine works.
Inside the Machine.
More Details About the Machines at Kodak.
More Details About the Machines at Kodak.
Taking a photo of the technician.
Even the Technician can Have his Picture Taken!
Handling Home Motion Pictures.
Handling Home Motion Pictures.
Producing Color Prints.
Producing Color Prints.
More Details on Printing Photographs.
More Details on Printing Photographs.
Kodak is Happy to Answer all Questions including ones about special orders.
Kodak is Happy to Answer all Questions.
Memories saved forever on pictures printed by Kodak.
Memories Saved Forever!
Use Kodak Mailers for Film Processing.
Use Kodak Mailers for Film Processing.

Film processing by Kodak. Another fabulous example of GVS, Glorious Vintage Stuff!