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Fishing Fun to be Had by All!

Fishing Fun! Try Your Luck in the Water!

Patricia parked in the driveway, happy to be home again after dropping the kids off at their friend’s house for the afternoon. She was about to go inside when voices came from the backyard. Pat followed the path around the side of the house, then stopped short in surprise.

Her husband, Ted, held a large pole in his hand. His best friend and fellow card player, Doug Monroe, stood watch, pitching in with a constant stream of instructions.

“Fly casting is easy,” Doug said. “Picture the face of a clock, then move your arm to the 12 o’clock position. The weight of the line will bend the tip of the pole back as it straightens out behind you— No! Stop! You’re going too far—”

The string flew across the yard, the tip swishing an inch away from Patricia‘s face. She yelped and jumped backwards, as her husband ran toward her, sprouting a cluster of apologies.

“Honey, I’m so sorry. I was just casting a fishing line.”

“I can see that.” Pat rubbed her nose; happy it was still attached to her face. “You still have a lot to learn.”

“Ah, Pat,” Doug interjected. “Not to worry. Ted here is a natural. He just needs a little more time watching an expert like me. Then he’ll be reeling in the fish by the dozens.”

Patricia crossed her arms. “You’re an expert, are you?”

“Sure I am. I’ve been out on the water plenty of times.”

“Now don’t be a fibber!” A new voice entered the conversation. Tammy, Doug’s wife, came over from next-door. “Doug Monroe, you have been out fishing exactly four times in your whole life. An expert, you are not!”

“I still know what I’m doing, and if I need help, I can refer to this.” Doug reached behind him and pulled a small booklet out of his hip pocket. “I picked it up at the grocery store.”

“The grocery store?” Tammy took the pamphlet. “That’s where you buy fish, not catch them!”

“Har-dee-har-har,” Doug shot back. “I assure you, Mrs. Smarty-Pants, this brochure can tell us everything we need to know about the wondrous world of fishing.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Pat peered over Tammy’s shoulder for a look.

The booklet was called “Fishin’ Tips. A Guide to Fishing and Fun.” Patricia pointed to the name at the bottom. “Look, it was printed by a beer company.”

“That’s right,” Doug called out. “I got it while picking up a six pack.”

“Figures.” Tammy wrinkled her nose then opened up the booklet. Immediately they were greeted with a question. “Why go Fishing?”

Why go fishing? This page list a lot of reasons why you should partake in fishing fun.
Is this the Sport for You?
Different types of fishing fun.
What’s your Favorite Type of Fishing Fun?

“Beautiful painting of a fish,” Pat appreciated art whenever she found it, even in a brochure.

Tammy flipped the page. “Oh look,” she exclaimed. “Here’s all the stuff you need to buy before you even begin. The guys could spend a couple of hours in the store just to get ready for the trip!”

A list of equipment needed for different types of fishing.
Can’t Enjoy Fishing Without the Right Stuff
A list of items to buy before you can have fishing fun.
Time to go Shopping!

“And they say we shop too much,” Patricia shot a glance toward her husband.

Ted threw up his hands. “No complaints the next time I get my credit card bill, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Pat said.

“Besides,” Doug moved forward to point out the contents of the next page. “Since fish can see color, you have to have a whole bunch of different lures to attract them.”

All fish are color conscious. They can be caught if you use the right lure.
Attract the Fish Toward You!
Colorful Lures to Buy!
Colorful Lures to Buy!

“Then, you have to practice your moves,” Ted said. “It’s all in the wrist.”

Details on how to be a good bait caster. Important skills for fishing fun.
Cast Out to Search for Fishing Fun!
A description of different ways a hand can grip a rod to guarantee fishing fun.
Keep a Good Grip on the Rod for Fishing Fun!
Techniques for spinning the line out of a rod. It takes three steps.
Simple as 1-2-3

“You see girls,” Doug slipped into lecture mode. “Fly casting is actually an art form.”

The art of fly casting.
It’s All in the Wrist!

“I could do without this type of art.” Patricia rubbed her nose.

“Ah, honey,” Ted reached for her. “I said I was sorry.”

“I know you are, dear.” She instantly forgave him. “Tell me about your plans. Is there more than one kind of fishing?”

“You bet!” Ted plucked the pamphlet out of Tammy’s grip and flipped the page. “There’s lake fishing.”

Details on how to fish in a lake.
A Classic Example of Fishing Fun
Description on the effect of temperature in water has on fish.
Water Temperature is the Key!

“Fishing in fast water.”

Details about fishing fun in fast water.
It’s All About the Water
Details about fishing in fast water during the winter.
Fast Water Year Round!

“Night fishing.”

Details about night fishing fun.
You Can Fish 24/7!
Painting a fisherman making a catch at night.
Starry Night, Energetic Fish!

“Float fishing.”

A drawing of fisherman making a catch while using floats.
He Caught One!
Details on float fishing.
How to Float— Fish That Is!

“Ice fishing.”

Details about fishing fun on the ice.
Fishing Fun on the Ice!

“Pan fishing.”

Details about pan fishing.
Summer “School” Daze!

“And finally big game fishing.”

Find Fishing Fun in the Ocean!
Find Fishing Fun in the Ocean!
How to go big game fishing.
No Guppies Here!

Tammy perched her fists on her hips and tapped her foot. “Are you boys going to try all these different types of fishing?”

“Not all at once,” Doug admitted.

“You don’t have to worry,” Ted added. “We won’t go anywhere without the proper first aid equipment.”

Good Sportsmanship Guarantees Fishing Fun. Rules to play by.
Good Sportsmanship Guarantees Fishing Fun!
Be Prepared for Any fishing Emergency.
Be Prepared for Any Emergency

“Here’s a fun dinner we can cook up with our catch.”

The Perfect dinner after a day of fishing fun. The fisherman skillet.
The Perfect Dinner after a Day of Fishing Fun.

“That’s all true.” Patricia took possession of the booklet, then opened it to the center. “But here’s the real reason for the excursion!”

A beer ad that shows people having fun by the lake.
A Fish Fry Party!

“No one said fishing wasn’t fun,” Doug added.

“It would be a great time,” Ted wisely threw in, “if you girls joined us.”

Pat pretended to consider it. “What do you think, Tammy. Should we spend a day with the boys out on the lake?”

“It might be enjoyable. We could work on our tans while they catch our dinner.”

“Then it’s a date.” Doug slapped Ted on the shoulder. “We better get to practicing if we want to provide for the meal.”

“And Tammy,” Patricia gestured toward her kitchen. “I think we better pack a picnic hamper just in case the fish get away!”

“Great idea, Pat.” Tammy laughed and the girls headed inside.

They all knew they’d enjoy the outing, whether the boys caught any fish or not.

And we have fun every time we visit GVS, Glorious Vintage Stuff!