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GVS Harkens Back to a Simpler Time. Play Ball!

It’s the holiday season and what better symbol of Christmas than a child playing with a toy or game?

There are thousands, if not millions, of toys to choose from and many come with super high price tags. It wasn’t always that way. This little pamphlet is proof that it’s possible to have fun with your friends, without having to break the bank.

Printed in 1936, “Play it Safe with the Games we Love,” shared safety tips with kids as they play OUTSIDE! It also gives suggestions for lots of fun games that kids can still play today.

The cover immediately sends us back to a simpler time. Two boys and their dog are crossing the street. The boys are wearing Knickerbocker pants, which showcase their sock choice. One is a classic green, the other favors an orange-argyle pattern.

They make it safely across the street because they “Cross Only with the Green Light.”

The inside cover is full of more safety tips, but my two favorites are: “Face front when getting off a street car. Watch for traffic and wait until the road is clear before crossing to the curb.”

And: “Choose safe places for roller skating. Remove your skates if you find it necessary to cross a street where there is traffic.” Smart advice.

Play Safe Advice Page
Good Advice for Safety First!

The following pages highlight several games, like “Stoopball” which is similar to baseball except you throw the ball against the stoop or side of the house. Bet mother liked that!

Rules to Play Stoopball
Rules to Play Stoopball

Or “Twenty Times Around.” Here players form two rings, with their backs to the center of the circle. “At a given signal they run around in a circle 20 times! The object is to see which circle can turn around 20 times first without having their line break. It is almost impossible to turn around rapidly without forcing someone to let go of their partner’s hands.”

That sure sounds like fun and no toys are needed. Just you and enough friends to form two circles.

Twenty Times Around Game Rules
Twenty Times Around Game

The next two pages contain some wonderful illustrations of kids playing outdoor games, complete with safety tips.

Stick Ball” is also played like baseball, except only one strike is out, not three. The pitcher throws the ball with a bounce and the batter tries to hit the ball on the first bounce.

Below is a lovely painting of four boys playing “Stick Ball” dressed in those knickerbockers again. The booklet provides some safety advice. “Always be careful where you play this game. Select a spot where the players are not exposed to traffic and when the ball bounds out of the field, be sure that the outfielders look carefully before giving chase.”

Stick-Ball Safety
Stick-Ball Safety

For the girls, the game is Hopscotch. These sweeties look so cute in their sweaters, skirts and ankle socks. They hop up and down the squares while their dog looks on. Below the painting it says: “If you play on the sidewalk you are always safe. Do not play in the street where if there is danger from passing automobiles.”

Play Hop-Scotch
Play Hop-Scotch

Another game that didn’t rate a drawing was “Yes or No.” Here you give each person 10 beans and have him engage in conversation without saying “yes or no.” Each time he uses either word he must surrender a bean to his partner in that conversation. The winner is the one who gets the most beans in a given time frame. This one sounds like a lot of fun. No toy is needed, just beans.

Play the Yes or No Game
Play the Yes or No Game

The drawing on the next page sends you back inside the house for lunch. There Mom, Junior and Sis are sitting around the table enjoying their soup and sandwich. The advice: “Eat slowly. Take time to eat your food. Proper eating keeps children healthy and vigorous. Always wash your hands and face thoroughly before going to the table.” I can see getting the kids to wash their hands, but their face? Three times a day? I doubt it.

Time Out For Lunch Photo
Time Out For Lunch

Next, it’s time to dress properly before heading back outside. Here the dog watches while Junior puts on his— patent leather shoes? They match the leather football helmet sitting next to him on the bed, so it must be all right. The booklet suggests that you: “Dress for the weather. You can enjoy playing outdoors in cold weather if you will just be careful to dress warmly. If your clothes should get wet, go home and change them immediately.”

Enjoy Playing Outdoors in Cold Weather
Enjoy Playing Outdoors in Cold Weather

Back outside the girls are playing 1-2-3 O’Leary. Here you’re supposed to bounce a ball on each number. When you reach “O’Leary” pass your leg over the ball and catch it while you say his name. But do it safely. How? “If possible, play this game in a park or playground. If you must play it on a sidewalk, look carefully before going after a ball that has bounded into the street.”

One-Two-Three O’Leary Photo
One-Two-Three Super Fun!

The last painting is of a boy riding a scooter. The basic scooter doesn’t seem to have changed much in the last 80 years, so I’m sure this safety advice will still apply. “When riding your scooter, be careful of bumps in the sidewalk and don’t go too fast. Be considerate of pedestrians.”

Scooter Safety Photo
Scooting Your Way To Fun!

See, it is possible for kids to enjoy themselves with hardly any help from the toy world.

Still, toys are awfully fun, especially ones that come along later in the 20th century. I’ll take a look at those in my next post.

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