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Are You Ready for a Mystery Date?

Open the Door for your “Mystery Date!”

What is every little girls dream? In the 60s it was to go out on a perfect date with a gorgeous guy. How did you do that? By playing the Mystery Date Game. Although I would not recommend it as a role model for young girls today, this quaint board-game has a certain charm all it’s own. Not to mention some fantastic artwork.

Most of the vintage items I profile in my blog are new, at least to me. They are things that I have purchased, either on eBay or in an antique store. My Mystery Date game does not fall into this category. It’s been in my possession since my parents bought it for me, brand new, in the 60s.

Released in 1965 by the Milton Bradley Company, Mystery Date debuted with a commercial that I remember to this day. “Mystery Date,” the jingle went. “Are you ready for your Mystery Date? Don’t be late. It could be great. Open the door for your Mystery Date.” Then the announcer stepped in with a pitch of his own. “Will you be ready for swimming? Or a dance? When you open the door will your mystery date be a dream or a dud? Fun and surprises, that’s Mystery Date.”

The commercial still works on me. I’m dying to play the game. An added bonus, fantastic artwork revealed when I opened up the box.

The first thing you notice is a track around the edge of the game board.

Mystery Date Game Board Photo
Mystery Date Game Board

Here, sophisticated ladies, wearing different colored raincoats, travel on their journey to find the perfect date.

Four Mystery Date Game Playing Pieces
Four Sophisticated Ladies

Just inside the track, you find the artwork I mentioned. To the left is an elegant couple, dancing at a prom. She is wearing a fabulous red evening gown that billows out from the waist, to flow across the dance floor. Her handsome companion is dressed to the nines in a formal tuxedo with a blue jacket and red bowtie.

Dancing and Skiing Dates Photo
Dancing and Skiing Dates

Next to them are a boy and girl out skiing. She is dressed all in green, with a jacket that matches her dark green ski pants. The fur around the hood is the only politically incorrect item in her ensemble. Her boyfriend is helping her with her ski boot. He is dressed in brown pants and a blue jacket. Because he’s so busy, we don’t get to see his face here.

On the right side, two more couples are enjoying themselves. The fun starts at the beach. The woman wears a stylish one piece bathing suit. Her handsome gentleman, dressed only in swimming trunks, watches with a smile while she struggles with the wide brim of her hat.

Beach and Bowling Dates Photo
Beach and Bowling Dates

The last mystery date is a little more active. They’re going bowling. The gentleman takes to the forefront as he sends his ball down the alley. He’s dressed in an olive-green top, dark green pants and wears bowling shoes of course. Behind him his girl is decked out in a typical 60s hairdo. She’s impeccably dressed in a stylish skirt and short sleeve sweater. She is cheering her man on since he’s obviously bowled a strike.

These four couples surround the focal point of the game. A door that, when closed, has a question mark in the middle. What lies behind the door? You have to play to find out.

The Mystery Date Door with a Question Mark on it Photo
Is Your Perfect Date Behind this Door?

Here’s how it works.

Players select one of the four sophisticated ladies to call their own and place her in the corner closest to them.

A Sophisticated Lady is Ready to Play Mystery Date
A Sophisticated Lady is Ready to Find her Date

Before you start, the deck of game cards is shuffled. Each player starts with two cards, and will pick up more as they travel around the track. Rolling the dice, they move the indicated amount of spaces where they could either take one card, swap one card with another player, take two cards, etc.

Mystery Date Board Game Spaces Photo
Where Will your Sophisticated Lady Land?

The cards are a hidden treasure of design, a beautiful tribute to artwork done in the 60s. They come in four sets of colors, and have three different cards per color. Each set of cards represents an outfit that corresponds with a particular activity. You have to acquire a complete outfit before you are allowed to go on a date.

The pink cards create an entire ensemble, perfect for a prom. Number one is the gorgeous evening gown; number two is a politically incorrect fur wrap and number three is a set of matching handbag and shoes.

Mystery Date Game Prom Outfit Cards
The Perfect Ensemble for the Prom

Go green and you go bowling. On the first card is an adorable blouse and skirt. The second highlights a matching jacket, with a fabulous scarf wrapped around the neck. Finally, you’ll find your matching bowling bag and bowling shoes on the third card. I love that saddle shoe look.

Three Mystery Date Fashion Cards for Bowling Photo
The Perfect Bowling Ensemble

Blue is for skiing. Card number one features the aforementioned politically incorrect parka. On card number two is an adorable sweater and ski pants, and number three you’ll find your ski boots and a pair of skis propped up in the snow.

Mystery Date Game Skiing Outfit Cards
The Perfect Outfit for Skiing

Last but not least, let’s head toward the beach. Card number one highlights a beautiful yellow polkadot swimsuit. Card number two has a beach robe with large flowers. On card number three you’ll find a matching beach bag and fantastic portable radio. Transistor radios were all the rage you know.

Mystery Date Three Cards that Make up the Beach Outfit
The Perfect Beach Ensemble

The point of the game is to move around the board collecting and swapping cards as you go until you get all three cards of one color. Then you have a complete outfit. Only then, once you land on the “Open the Door” space, can you try to match up with the perfect date.

The construction of the door is the secret of this game.

Inside the Mystery Date Door Photo
Inside the Mystery Date Door

When it’s open you can see that the blue knob is not just round, two prongs stick out from the center.

A Unique Doorknob Photo
A Unique Doorknob

To the right are five different cards. Each card features the photo of a different gentleman. On the right side of the card, halfway down, is a uniquely shaped hole.

The Secret Key to How Mystery Date Works Photo
The Secret Key to How Mystery Date Works

Each time you spin the door knob, the prong snags a different card. This way a different gentleman is revealed every time you open the door. That is why it is a mystery date. You never know which one you will get. A simple, yet ingenious way to make this game special.

So, once a player has a complete outfit, and lands on the space that allows them to open the door, they spin the knob.

The first gentleman behind the door is the beach date. A handsome redhead, he’s dressed in a blue Hawaiian shirt with white flowers, trunks and flip-flops. In one hand he has a basket and beach blanket. Slung over his other shoulder is an umbrella, ready to make sure that his girl doesn’t get too much sun.

Mystery Date Game Beach Guy Photo
The Perfect Date at the Beach

The second choice, is the ski date. He also is exceedingly handsome in his striped turtleneck sweater, tight pants and boots. His poles and skis are ready for action, but not the kind you’re thinking of. This is a wholesome game!

Mystery Date Game Skiing Guy Photo
The Perfect Date for Skiing

If the door spins toward card number three you find your date for the prom. His tuxedo features a white jacket and he has a boutonniere tucked into his lapel. He is holding a corsage for you, so you are guaranteed to have a perfect evening.

Mystery Date Game Prom Date Guy
The Perfect Prom Date

If your door spins toward the last card in the stack, you get to go bowling. This clean-cut guy is cute in his glasses, white jacket over his red polo shirt and brown corduroy pants. His bowling ball has its own case. Spiffy.

Mystery Date Game Bowling Guy Photo
The Perfect Date for Bowling

You’re probably wondering why I skipped card number four. If you end up with this lovely fellow you lose all your cards and have to start over. He is “the Dud.” You’re not supposed to want to date him. Although, despite his wrinkled pants and smudged shirt, I think he looks cute. He is definitely in the clean-cut mode of the 60s.

Mystery Date Game The “Dud” Card
The “Dud”

If the date you revealed matches the outfit you’ve compiled from your three cards, you win. If you open the door and find some other date, you get to keep your cards, close the door, spin the knob and continue down the track until you get another try. If you get the Dud, you’ll lose your cards and start over.

As I said, it is not the most politically correct game ever, but it’s cute and fun. There’s no mystery why it’s been popular for decades. It’s nice to dream about the perfect date with a man who is clean-cut, wears nice clothes, and always acts like a gentleman.

Mystery Date is a GVS classic. A perfect example of Glorious Vintage Stuff!