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World Travel— Magic Style

Short Wave— Big Deal! Just Get a Magic Brain!

Do you have a magic brain that can take you anywhere around the world? How about a magic eye which can locate cultural riches on a whim?

Impossible, right?


Anybody can have possess these things. IF you could time travel back to 1936 and purchase a Magic Brain Radio!

A description of RCA Victor’s 1936 Magic Brain Radio
Look Inside the Magic Brain

RCA Victor christened this set as a “decisive step in the advancement of radio science.”

A detailed description of the features of the 1936 RCA Victor Magic Brain radio.
The Secret of the new Magic Brain!
A description of RCA metal tubes.
Metal Tubes, Not Glass!

Vacuum tubes made out of metal, not glass? Interesting.

The RCA Victor magic eye, sees that you get the best reception.
“Seeing” you Tune in the Best Signal
Details about RCA’s Magic Eye Cathode Ray Tube.
Learn About a Real “Magic Eye!”

Yes, this radio comes with an actual eyeball! It glows green and watches your every move— okay, it’s actually the top of a special cathode ray tube. What a neat way to determine if you’ve tuned your set to the best signal!

Now, with your brain full of magic and your eye illuminating light, you’re set to tour the country and the world via short wave.

But how, exactly does short wave work?

That is where the real prestidigitation comes in. The scientists at RCA were pros when it came to the short wave game, especially during the early part of the 20th century.

Want an explanation into the technical secrets behind the technology? They can explain far better than I.  Take a look.

A description of The RCA World Wide Antenna System.
The RCA World Wide Antenna System is the Key!
The Lo-Down on Short Waves
The Lo-Down on Short Waves
Detailed information on the behavior of short wave radio
Find Out how Short Waves Behave!
Instructions on operating the Magic Brain radio
Operating your Magic Brain
Details on reading the radio dial and how to find the program you want.
Dial and Programming Info!
Lessons on How to Dial Foreign stations and A and X bands.
Lessons on How to Dial
World wide range and other features of the Magic Brain set
Features, Features, Features!
Detailed instructions on how to operate a short wave world wide receiver
Operating this Radio is Easy, Right?
Detailed instructions on How to Operate a Short Wave Set.
How to Work a Short Wave Set.

You understood all that, right?

If not here is a lovely dictionary of special radio lingo to help you figure it all out.

A Dictionary of Radio Lingo
Learn Radio Lingo

Just because you have a new and exciting gadget, doesn’t mean it’s time to throw your old set on the trash heap! You can still use your earlier model, even though it doesn’t have a magic brain!

Keep your old radio set. It’s useful even if it doesn’t have a Magic Brain.
New Tubes Keep Your Old Set Alive!

RCA became an expert tour guide, when it came to radio tours. We may no longer have access to a magic brain, or a magic eye, but we can still enjoy taking a journey through Glorious Vintage Stuff!