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TV, Radio and the Phone all Rolled up in One!

Telephone Tech is More than Just Making Calls!

It’s the fabulous 50s and everybody has a rotary telephone. A communication lifeline that keeps us going.

We use it every day. We call grandma and grandpa to chat. We call the restaurant to place an order for dinner. We call the school or work to catch up on the latest information.

But there’s so much more to this gadget than meets the eye, or ear.

Did you know that the telephone plays an essential role and bringing your television image into your living room?

Telephone Tech Brings Television to your Home! An article about early television broadcasting via telephone cables.
Telephone Tech Brings Television to your Home!

It also provides music through your radio!

Details about Opera Singer Ezio Pinza performing on the Pacific Telephone Hour radio show.
Enjoy the Opera in your Living Room!

And your life will be richer once you share this telephone trivia with your friends!

Telephone Tech Trivia, 1952 Style!
Telephone Tech Trivia, 1952 Style!

The phone can also help save your life! It’s a fundamental part of America’s civil defense strategy, which includes the Conelrad system!

Cover of the October 1956 Edition of the “Talk” Newsletter.
The Phone and Civil Defense!
Civil Defense, Telephone Tech and You! A booklet on civil defense put out during the Cold War.
Civil Defense, Telephone Tech and You!
Instructions on what citizens should do during an emergency.
Conelrad is on Your Side!
Telephone Tech working to make the US a better place by encouraging citizens to vote and providing various information.
Telephone Tech Working to Make the US a Better Place!

Telephone technology and you! All fabulous parts of the GVS world, Glorious Vintage Stuff!