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Tour the Movie Stars Homes!

What’s the first thing you do when you arrive in fabulous Hollywood? Visit the movie stars homes! What else?

Bob Hope lived near Burbank for decades.

But what about other celebrities? No need to wait! Hop on board the GVS tour bus and let’s go!

Mickey Rooney’s home sure looks grand with a beautiful tree nestled next to his swimming pool!

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Mickey Rooney’s Home.

Eddie Anderson’s real name may not sound familiar to some, but Rochester, of the Jack Benny show, was beloved by millions of radio listeners!

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Eddie Anderson’s Home.

Judy Garland‘s home is tasteful and beautiful.

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Judy Garland’s Home.

As is the ranch home of Clark Gable.

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Clark Gable’s Home.

Dorothy Lamour must have enjoyed the view from this hillside oasis.

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Dorothy Lamour’s Home.

Cowboy Gene Autry had a beautiful two-story residence.

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Gene Autry’s Home.

And finally, let’s admire Shirley Temple’s beautiful flower-lined lawn!

1940s Linen Postcard Showing Shirley Temple’s Home.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of vintage Hollywood.

Remember that GVS is always your home for Glorious Vintage Stuff!