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Experience a Vintage Road Trip Via a Car Calendar!

You’re having such a good time, driving across the country without ever leaving your room. Your journey is powered by your imagination, spurred on by the beautiful painting featured in this months car calendar.

We’ve already traveled from January through August of 1936, now it is time to continue our trip.

Let’s see what adventures await us through the last four months of the year. Then we’ll selectively dip in and examine beautiful vehicles on display in 1938 and 1939. Who knows? Maybe we can actually buy a car by then. Especially if we get off the bread line and into the work line.

Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of October. It's a beautiful painting of a green Chevrolet standard coupe.
Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of November. The painting is of a red Chevrolet Standard Sedan and it has a dog riding in the back seat.
Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of December. The painting is of a green Chevrolet standard coach, and it shows a woman going Christmas shopping.
Page from a 1938 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of December. Crowds surround and admire a beautiful red Chevrolet. You also see the calendar days for November of 1938.
Page from a 1938 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of December. People admire a blue Chevrolet. You also see the calendar days for the month of December.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of January. Several skiers admire a brown Chevrolet. You also see the calendar days for January.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of February. It shows people at a marina, admiring a Chevrolet. It also has the calendar days for February.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. A painting for the month of July. It shows a brown Chevrolet parked in front of a circus. It also has the calendar days for July.

Such interesting automobile trivia on the back of each calendar page. Who knew?

Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. Description of how you can ride in luxury in a Chevrolet!
Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. Description of Chevrolet's V-shaped windshield.
Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. Description of Chevrolet's rear luggage compartment.
Page from a 1936 Car Calendar. Description of Chevrolet's stabilized front end.
Page from a 1938 Car Calendar. Description of Aero-Stream styling found in a Chevrolet.
Page from a 1938 Car Calendar. Description of Chevrolet's vacuum gear shift.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. Description of a Chevrolet Knee Action Riding System which provides a smoother ride.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. Description of Chevrolet's hydraulic brakes.
Page from a 1939 Car Calendar. It describes the comfort and convenience you find in a Chevrolet.

Hey, guess what? You finally got a job. Now you can take down your car calendar and go get the real thing!

But thank goodness you had GVS to keep you company during the hard times, and we will be with you during the good times as well. GVS is always on your side, because it is all Glorious Vintage Stuff!